Working Double

Sometimes the paint is just too wet to do any more work, and yet I want to be painting. So, while I was waiting for paint to dry on one canvas I started another painting. This one is also inspired by my location on the coast and is for the art show in August. However, this painting is inland. It never occurred to me, when I moved to the coast, that I would find estuaries and lakes near the ocean. They are also affected by the tides, but have their own ecosystems. There is simply more to learn about this planet than I will ever learn. 

A Fresh Start

I haven't been able to post, so it's nice to have a fresh start with sharing what I'm doing here at Pease House Art. This was my fresh start on a new canvas. I'm really excited about this piece. It comes from an image that has been forming in my mind. It's highly symbolic and hopefully will speak for itself when it's done. All is hope at this time. The realizing of it will come over the next few weeks.

Go Big or Go Home

I have an image in my mind of a painting that I can't wait to start. However, I need a model, a sunny day, and a good location. I may not be starting it any time soon. But I had a rare opportunity to go to an art supply store, so I decided to pick up the canvas so when I do get my reference, I will at least be able to start right away. I'm a sucker for a sale, but I've come know that "Buy two get one free" isn't quite as good as it sounds. So when I saw "But one get TWO free" I had to read it three times to make sure I wasn't mistaken. I ended up coming home with three 24 x 30 gallery-wrapped canvases. I was so excited that I had to start painting something on one of them. So "Neah-Kah-Nie Canoes" is going to be bigger than expected. I'll talk more about this painting as I go along. But for today, I've got a big sky on a big canvas. A big day for me!

Who Is It?

Guess who stopped by the studio today? It felt so good to finally be sitting at the canvas again. Thanksgiving travels, my art show opening, and the craziness of life and have kept me away long enough. It gets to the point where it literally becomes painful not to paint. And in addition to Santa, I started a painting for my brother and another one for a special someone who will be having a very big birthday coming up soon. Aaaahhh... it feels good to be back in business.

Purple Christmas Tree

I put in the background for "Embrace" and when I was finished I realized I had a purple Christmas tree! When I was in high school I wanted purple hair. I've wanted a lot of purple things over the years. But I have to say I've never thought about a purple Christmas tree before. I suppose I could leave it and save it for a Christmas decoration. But I think I'll just wait until tomorrow and let "Embrace" be born instead.

Canvas Covered

I took yesterday's charcoal drawing and am making it into a painting. I chose a 16" x 20" canvas this time. I've been working on 8" x 10" canvas boards for paintings that are more for exercise and whim. But I want to turn this into a series of paintings focusing on the idea of comfort. Today I got the canvas covered with an underpainting. I left all of the edges soft so that I can make adjustments as I go along. Things will change, but I have a starting place. My heart is speaking to me in this one. I'm excited.


Setting the Stage

I went to a play this week and was fascinated with the set. Everything about the play was wonderful, but as I painted today I thought about the set, the design, the style, and all the work that went into it. Without that set all of the other elements of the play would have been different. 

So today I set the stage for my next painting. It will effect everything that comes hereafter. How exciting is that?