Go Big or Go Home

I have an image in my mind of a painting that I can't wait to start. However, I need a model, a sunny day, and a good location. I may not be starting it any time soon. But I had a rare opportunity to go to an art supply store, so I decided to pick up the canvas so when I do get my reference, I will at least be able to start right away. I'm a sucker for a sale, but I've come know that "Buy two get one free" isn't quite as good as it sounds. So when I saw "But one get TWO free" I had to read it three times to make sure I wasn't mistaken. I ended up coming home with three 24 x 30 gallery-wrapped canvases. I was so excited that I had to start painting something on one of them. So "Neah-Kah-Nie Canoes" is going to be bigger than expected. I'll talk more about this painting as I go along. But for today, I've got a big sky on a big canvas. A big day for me!