Quick Change Artist

I'm back to working on Ryan again. There's no real deadline for him, so he sat on the back burner for a while. Part of the reason he ended up there was because I started to doubt my decision about his uniform color. It's a good thing I asked because what looked like green in the photo reference was really blue. He had to quickly change his uniform. But we're back on track again. Whew!

Hat's Off

Well, I'm off and running with the hat at least. It still needs more work, but I'll need to find a better reference before I can finish it. His face is finding it's shape as well. It's slow going, but at least there's progress. It's amazing how being emotionally attached to the subject can make it so difficult to be objective about something even so detached as painting the figure. It's simply hard to look at what is really there. The human being is such an emotional creature. Our feelings, experiences and perceptions effect everything we do and every decision we make. It's not always for the best, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Ocean Lily

I was walking to the beach in Manzanita, OR when I came upon a row of lilies. They are blooming everywhere here on the coast this time of year. But the ocean just made the perfect background and I had to stop in my tracks and take some reference photos. Once the background dried, the lily actually came together in about an hour. Fun, fun fun!