Course Corrections

One of the benefits of posting my progress is that I get to see it from a different perspective. After my last post I realized how off some of my lines were. This image may not seem much different from the last one, but it represents a significant amount of time reworking several areas and correcting several mistakes. I'd like to think I'm beyond such basic errors, but I'm not. The eye can truly deceive, especially when it comes to lines and linear perspective. And my eyes did deceive me. It makes me wonder how often my eyes deceive me in the ordinary acts of life on an ordinary day. How many decisions do I make because I saw something wrong? How much time do I waste because I don't see what I'm looking for when it's right in front me? And how many times have relationships struggled because I saw things based on my preconceived notions rather than on the reality in front of me. Oh, to have eyes to see... 

The good news is, that we can correct our course. Every day we get a chance to rise again and start fresh, with new eyes, as we take on another day of accomplishing tasks, fulfilling responsibilities, growing relationships, and making memories. I am truly grateful for the opportunities I have for course corrections in my life.