Tacky, Tacky, Tacky

This painting is bringing back all kinds of memories. I used to love to hang out in the tack shed. I loved the smell of leather and dry horse sweat that clung to the saddle blankets. I can still smell it. If I thought I wouldn't get caught I'd sit on the saddles that were resting on the saddle horses. Running my hands along the long leather reins I would imagine myself the cowgirl heroine in a herd of stampeding cattle. Oh the places I would go in that tack shed... 

Pony Tail

I used to love having my hair in a ponytail. I would toss it and flick it and wonder if it really looked like my pony's tail. In my mind it most definitely did. I also wondered why pigtails were called pigtails... pigs didn't have two tails, and my hair didn't curl like a pig's tail did... 

But oh well. This horse doesn't have to worry about it. He can flick his pony tail all he wants.