Forgetting the Unforgettable

My mother-in-law passed away almost a year ago. We spent last week at her house working on preparing it to go on the real estate market. Before we left I packed up painting supplies so that I could continue to work even while away from home. I was actually excited about it because there is so much light in her house and I knew it would be a great opportunity to relax while I was there. I had all of my supplies set out and then promptly drove away without them. 

Her home is in a small tourist village on one of the San Juan islands of Washington. They have a little art supply store there and I was able to pick up a few things to allow me to do at least a little something. Without my works in progress I was forced to start a new painting. I wasn't sure what to do until we were looking through an old photo album. I almost never paint from someone else's photograph, but this one was done in lighting that I think I can make work. The colors aren't rich and vivid because the photo is faded. But I'm actually excited about the challenge. 

My dear husband had forgotten about this vacation and the photo brought back treasured memories. I'm so grateful to have the photos I do to help me remember what I would otherwise forget. 

Balusters by the Dozen

I was able to do a little woodworking today. It wasn't too many years ago that my dad got a lathe. We made plans for me to go help him and together we'd make balusters for the banister in my house. We never quite found the time to do it, and now the house has been sold, I've moved, and my dad's health doesn't allow for those kinds of activities anymore. I wish I could have made that memory with him. I am grateful, however, for the memories I do have. Without him I definitely wouldn't be who or where I am today.