Define Definition

I spent a lot of time today adding definition to my misty painting. In words, a definition is the meaning of something - an explanation of the details of the meaning. In art, it is the clarifying of details to make the image more clear and understandable. Words are funny things. Defining definition is a bit like describing the taste of salt. It's fun to think about though, and it was fun to add definition and clarity to my painting as well. 

Buoys and Gulls... I Mean Rigging...

More detail work today. It is so fun to look at all the different, intricate details and see what I missed last time. There is always something else that I didn't notice. One of the greatest gratitudes I have for painting is how it has helped me see the world more vividly. Not only do I see colors that I'd never seen before, but I see details, relationships, and nuances that make the world a much more engaging and enlivened place. 

The Channel

Living on the coast has introduced me to so many new adventures and ways of life. The ocean has always called to me, but I finally have the opportunity to learn more about the lives that thrive in this environment. Part of that has been learning about boats, ships, fishing, crabbing, sailing, rowing, all things ocean craft. So here we have a channel - a shelf that will hold the deadeye, deadeye strop, and chain plate. How fun is it just to say all that?