Background - Take II

While I really did like the background originally, it just didn't feel right for the figure. So I'm going in a completely different direction. While wet paint makes for good layering and blending, it doesn't work so well for starting completely over. So I'll have to wait for this to dry and then do another layer on top of it. But already I feel like this is the better direction to go. I remember one time I was traveling with my extended family and were caravanning in two or three cars. Our car got off track and they called to see if we were okay and if we were headed in the right direction. I said, "We are now!" Even though we were no longer on the same road as they were, we had corrected our course. Often I feel overly bad because I've gotten of course in a painting, or in life. But life is all about making those course corrections. We can never go back to where we were before. But because of them we learn, get back on track, and are all the wiser for it.