What A Story!

I just have to share the rest of the story of "Standing Watch". I attended the Opening Reception at the North Country Recreation Center in Nehalem, Oregon. I was so very impressed with the turnout and the support of this community. Three leaders from the Nehalem-Catsop tribe were present and shared their gratitude and what they are doing to work toward restoring their national tribal status with all of its rights and privileges. Two of the leaders kept asking me about the painting. I told them how I had researched their people and tried to place myself in the place and time of the early people. I talked about what it would mean to stand watch and wait for my sons and/or my husband to come home. And how I felt that there would be a Chief and perhaps even a Great Spirit standing watch, waiting for the People to come home. One of the leaders, with tears in her eyes, told me she'd had a dream (I don't feel that the details are mine to share here) and when she woke she knew the dream was about her people coming home. They were so touched by my painting that the tribe has decided to purchase it. I am so honored and excited. What a great opportunity this turned out to be. Not only was I inspired to create something, but also to touch the lives of others, and share a moment in eternity with some incredibly special people. Definitely a memory I will treasure.